MVP Business Solution

Financial Fundamentals for Collision Success
About Our Instructors

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Instructors & Training Centers

Key to the success of the Business Development Series is the “real world” expertise of MVP Certified Instructors. PPG’s Business Development training centers, with convenient locations across North America, offer an ideal setting for adult learning with the latest multimedia teaching tools. The regular addition of new courses and the continuous updating of existing curriculum will ensure this elite training series continues to lead the industry in guiding owners and managers on practical, proven ways to improve their businesses and to meet the challenges of competing in a highly competitive marketplace.


PPG MVP Business Solutions leads the industry in accreditations for I-CAR and AMI with our Collision Management offering, in particular with the Business Development Series Series. The recognition and industry accreditation is a testimony to the commitment, quality, excellence, and leadership position of the MVP Business Development Series. This also provides a competitive edge to market your business to both consumers and insurance partners. These two competitive comparison charts illustrate the value of PPG’s MVP Business Solutions Collision Management offering.